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Release--Provision--Unknown Claims


Releasor has read and understands the following statutory language of
[reproduction of all or pertinent part of statute, which may be worded along lines as follows:
A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in the creditors favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known to the creditor, would have materially affected the creditors settlement with the debtor.].

Having been so apprised, releasor nevertheless elects to and does assume all risk for claims heretofore or hereafter arising, known or unknown, relating to the above-described [accident], and releasor expressly includes within the scope of this release all such claims, and waives any rights [he or she] may have to dispute the scope of this release on the grounds of [cite statute quoted above] or as the same may be amended.

Signature Date